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  • SUMMIT Bench System
  • TORNO Chair
  • SUI Desk Chair


Copenhagen, Denmark

During 3daysofdesign we are welcoming you to our showroom — in the heart of Copenhagen — where we’ll be exhibiting two new collections and hosting a meeting of minds around the theme of defining public spaces. If you are interested in discussing what makes an engaging public environment, come along to our Courtyard talks, or any of the daily conversations with our designers and creative teams. Look forward to days filled with real conversation, accompanied by a fully fitted kitchen serving breakfast, lunch and small bites created by Noma alumni and co-founder of Psyche Café, Mati Pichci.

Launching during 3DOD23:04

CUBICLE Work Station

Designed by Form Us With Love

SCENE Bench System

Designed by Industrial Facility

HEB Table Collection

Designed by Krøyer-Sætter-Lassen

NICK ROSS Shelving (teaser)

Designed by Nick Ross


Wednesday 07.06.23
10—12 am
Meet & Greet Industrial Facility:
Enabling people to define their own ways 

2—3 pm
Meet & Greet Form Us With Love:
Redefining spatial comfort 

3—4 pm
Interview with Industrial Facility:
Defining layers of ownership in the public realm

4—6 pm
Drinks in the courtyard
Thursday 08.06.23
10—12 am
Meet & Greet Form Us With Love:
Redefining producing in half-rooms 

3—4 pm
Panel talk with Nick Ross and Form Us With Love:
Defining a new design approach
Friday 09.06.23
10—12 am
Meet & Greet Krøyer-Sætter-Lassen:
Redefining tables as multi-coloured sculptures 


A defining challenge in contract furniture design today is how we can make our use of public space feel as intuitive as it is productive as it is relaxing. 

At +Halle, we asked ourselves: how do we set out to redefine how furniture can best enhance the spaces of tomorrow? What if we reimagine public furniture as something you could both inhabit and share? For 3 Days of Design, we take a closer look at our public landscape, and the self-defining needs of today, presenting a set of future archetypes that invite personal expression and focus, while also inspiring collaboration. 

From 7-9th of June, we are welcoming you to Kattesundet — in the heart of Copenhagen — where we’ll be exhibiting two new collections and hosting a meeting of minds around the theme of defining public spaces. Experience our new space-defining Scene from Industrial Facility and a fresh take on productivity with the Cubicle from Form Us With Love. 

If you are interested in discussing what makes an engaging public environment, come along to our Courtyard talks, or any of the daily conversations with our designers and creative teams. Look forward to days filled with real conversation, from 9 am to 8 pm, with a fully fitted kitchen, coffee and pastries, and drinks on the terrace.

Whatever the project you might be working on this year — be it a school, a museum, an office, or a hospital — hearing from your peers about their experience of furniture design can only bring a greater perspective. Not least because we’re so often asking the same questions. How have public behaviours shifted? How do we create experiences that feel both individual and collective at the same time? 

At +Halle, we value bringing people together under one roof, sharing our experiences, discussing new behaviours, comparing notes, and inspiring each other. Come and visit us during 3 Days of Design, where we’ll be showcasing pieces from our new behavioural collections themed around Dwelling, Sharing, Producing and Defining.