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+Halle® — Profile 2024
Introduction +Halle® exists to develop a different type of furniture, designed to make a difference to people’s daily lives, helping them focus, work, and relax in ways they actually want.
Commitment 01
We want to use our role and governance as a design brand as a force for change and utilise the impact of emerging behaviours to make a difference for the better: for workers, our communities, and the planet. Explore our ESG Policy:
Each year we donate a part of our revenue to non-profit organizations. In 2024 we are working together with Copenhagen Contemporary.
+Halle®’s approach to making furniture is not easy, but simple:
At +Halle® we understand that the choices we make today shapes the world of tomorrow. Our designs are more than a statement of style – it’s a testament to our commitment to the planet and its people. To inspire change and integrity in others, it is crucial that we first embody these principles ourselves. “Walking the talk” on our ESG policy signifies practicing what we preach, demonstrating through our actions that our words are more than just rhetoric. It is through this authentic display of commitment and ethics that we earn the right to expect the same from others.
When we lead by example, we not only reinforce our own values but also set a powerful precedent for those around us. This approach fosters a culture of trust and accountability, essential for any collective endeavour to succeed. By consistently aligning our actions with our words, we become a living testament to the ideals we advocate, thereby encouraging others to follow suit. That is why our ESG-policy is carried out according to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. Our ESG-policy function as our basic design guidelines for how we act responsibly.
At +Halle®, we believe that the future of furniture goes beyond design and delves into the realm of sustainability and responsibility. Our ESG policy reflects this belief, a blueprint guiding us towards a more sustainable, equitable, and transparent future. In our world, environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance integrity are not just aspirations; they are a directory for how we wish to behave and do business.
We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint, maximizing social impact, and upholding high governance standards. In this journey, transparency is key. We pledge to regularly share our progress, challenges, and learnings, holding ourselves accountable to our stakeholders and the global community. Join us as we redefine the essence of modern furniture, where every piece is a symbol of our commitment to a better, more sustainable future.
The basic premise of +Halle® ESG-policy is that we comply with all applicable legislation in the countries in which we operate. We also have a supplier Code of Conduct, which ensures that suppliers satisfy the requirements we stipulate.
Below are the most material binding obligations in relation to the ESG-policy.
— UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
— OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
— UN Global Compact 10 principles
We also want to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by working with the goals that best supports our core business.
The ESG policy applies to all production facilities as well as associated subsidiaries and sales offices throughout +Halle®.
We will ensure good employment conditions for our employees, and in countries where collective agreements are customary, we will ensure compliance with that agreement as a minimum.
We will promote diversity in the workplace and work to increase the number of women in managerial positions. We will ensure that our employees can use their skills in the best possible manner regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, political views, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc.
We will defend our employees’ right of association and right to collective bargaining. If independent trade unions are discouraged or prohibited in an area in which we operate, we will seek to promote alternative opportunities for the employees to meet freely to discuss work-related issues.
We will ensure a healthy and positive working environment for our employees and constantly seek to improve working conditions. We will recognise each other’s differences and qualifications and will speak to and about each other with respect. Bullying will not be tolerated. We will work for inclusion and health-promoting activities. We will ensure that our employees have opportunities to develop in their work, e.g. via further education and training.
We will respect and support international human rights, whether they be civil, political, economic, social or cultural rights. In countries where there is a risk of lack of respect for human rights, we will take steps to avoid any human rights infringements that affect the people with whom we cooperate and work in a business relationship.
We are opposed to differential treatment and discrimination and will ensure that our employees and partners have equal opportunities. Discrimination on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, age, disability, sexual orientation, trade union membership, etc. will not be tolerated.
Any form of corporal punishment, mental and physical coercion or harassment is forbidden within +Halle®. The use of or deriving of benefit from any form of forced labour or involuntary work is prohibited. All employees must be able to move freely during their employment and the withholding of identification cards, travel documents or other important personal documents is prohibited.
Child labour is prohibited. The minimum age for employment must not be less than 15 years (unless national legislation determines that children aged 14 may work). Young workers under the age of 18 may not perform night work or any kind of hazardous work.
Through focused activities and by setting environmental goals, we will work to prevent and reduce the environmental impact of our production activities and the use and disposal of our products and continue to improve our efforts from an environmental perspective.
We will work to increase reuse and recycling, as well as to reduce waste. This applies at process level, in the products and in the company in general. In +Halle® we work according to the principles of life cycle assessment (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), and we strive to promote a circular economy approach in our business.
We will do targeted work to improve our energy performance by focusing on optimised energy use, reduced energy consumption and renewable energy options. We will reduce the company’s CO2 emissions and thus reduce our impact on the climate. We are committed to making our contribution to keeping global warming under 1.5° C.
We will run every aspect of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We have zero tolerance for corruption and bribery in +Halle®, and corruption and bribery cannot be graduated. We will prevent and combat corruption and bribery in all circumstances.
We will prevent illegal conduct and irregularities within and in relation to our activities, including non-compliance with this ESG policy.
We revise the ESG policy annually. Our intention is to continuously assess the policy and ensure that it is appropriate in relation to +Halle® current circumstances and foreseeable future. The revised ESG policy is approved by the CEO of +Halle®.
How Annual Briefing is transforming +Halle®
Introduction Making furniture that can meet the needs of public spaces today means creating mindspace for designers, scientists and entrepreneurs with something new to say on the matter.
Participants include:
Ethnologist Mark Vacher, Lektor Ph. D Københavns Universitet — Social Entrepreneur Jesper Koefoed-Melson — Anthropologist Mette Mogensen, Professor at Copenhagen Business School — Andrew Khoudi, Ph. D, Data Driven Analysis of Human Behavior — Anthropologist Morten Axel Pedersen, Professor at University of Copenhagen — Scientist Jasper Schipperijn, Professor at University of Southern Denmark — Signe Højbjerre Larsen, Lektor Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik — Toke Bie Laugesen, Head of UX at Rigshospitalet — Birgitte Westerskov Dalgas, Research Assistant at Research Unit of Active Living — Jens Høyer-Kruse, Scientist and Professor at the University of Southern Denmark — artist and activist Pavels Hedström
BIG Architects, Form Us With Love, Industrial Facility, MSDS Studio, Nick Ross, Nifemi Marcus-Bello, Philippe Malouin, Panter&Tourron, Raw Edges Design Studio, Spacon & X, Studio OE.
+Halle is a family-owned Danish company. We make furniture designed by world-renowned designers and architects, responding to the needs of people and the spaces they occupy. This Supplier Code of Conduct defines the minimum requirements that our suppliers and sub-suppliers of goods and services must comply with when conducting business with +Halle.
By collaborating with suppliers who share our values, we combine our expertise to promote sustainable progress. Together with our suppliers, we will work to create social, environmental and economic improvements in the value chain through dialogue and enhanced cooperation.
It is a fundamental requirement that suppliers of goods and services to +Halle comply with national and international law as well as the international conventions to which all countries and companies are subject, including the International Bill of Human Rights, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
We also encourage the supplier to actively contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by working with the goals that best support the supplier’s core business. Similarly, we encourage our suppliers to adhere to the UN Global Compact, thereby committing to respect and promote the 10 principles of corporate responsibility.
We recognise that it can take a lot of resources to become engage in the above.
That is why we are happy to enter a dialogue on what each supplier should do to ensure compliance with the requirements in this Code of Conduct., where every piece is a symbol of our commitment to a better, more sustainable future.
The suppliers to +Halle must support and respect international human rights, whether they be civil, political, economic, social or cultural rights. If the supplier is directly or indirectly violating human rights, this must stop immediately. It is a requirement that the supplier identifies and remedies human rights infringements resulting from its activities.
The supplier must respect the right to privacy and personal data of their employees, customers and partners. The supplier must not discriminate against or treat differently employees, customers and business partners on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, age, disability, sexual orientation, membership of trade unions and any other status recognised by international law.
The suppliers to +Halle must recognise the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Where independent trade unions are opposed or prohibited in the area in question, the supplier must seek to enable employees to meet in other ways to discuss work-related issues and to ensure that designated spokespersons can negotiate with management.
The supplier must not use or derive benefit from any form of forced labour or involuntary work. All employees must have freedom of movement during their period of employment. The withholding of identification cards, travel documents or other important personal documents is prohibited. The supplier must not use child workers. The minimum age for employment must not be less than 15 years (unless national legislation determines that children aged 14 may work). Young workers under the age of 18 may not perform night work or any kind of hazardous work.
The supplier must not discriminate against employees on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, age, disability, sexual orientation, membership of trade unions and any other status recognised by international law. The supplier is expected to base employment-related decisions on relevant and professional criteria.
The suppliers to +Halle must offer their employees a working environment that is safe and sound. Appropriate policies and procedures for health and safety must be developed and followed. Employees are required to be provided with statutory and adequate safety equipment. Employees are expected to undergo the necessary training to be able to perform their tasks safely.
The supplier must ensure that overtime work is limited and always complies with national legislation on working hours and rest periods. The average weekly working hours across four months must not exceed 48 hours (excl. overtime). If overtime is factored into this, the maximum working hours must not exceed more than 60 hours. Exceptions may only be made in exceptional cases. The overtime must always be voluntary. The supplier must ensure that the employees have reasonable breaks and rest periods. Any form of corporal punishment, mental and physical coercion or harassment is prohibited in the workplace. We expect the supplier to pay their employees a reasonable and fair wage in accordance with statutory minimum rates or industry standards on salaries and staff benefits.
The suppliers to +Halle must be familiar with the environmental laws and regulations relevant to the supplier’s activities, products and services.
The supplier must ensure compliance with legislation through understanding, operations management and monitoring.
The supplier must work systematically to prevent, minimise and mitigate any adverse effects on the environment as a result of its activities.
The supplier is expected to follow the precautionary principle in the event of uncertainty in relation to environmental consequences.
The supplier is expected to focus on environmental improvements in the continuous operation of its business, e.g. by reducing its energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, pollution and waste generation.
The supplier must actively seek to limit the use of scarce natural resources and harmful substances.
The supplier is strongly encouraged to replace any harmful ingredients in its product with less harmful substances.
The supplier is also strongly encouraged to use recycled materials where possible and to focus on the circular economy of its products and processes.
The supplier must permit +Halle to get in touch with questions and requirements for the documentation of ingredients in the products that +Halle purchase from the supplier, as this is a prerequisite for +Halle’s continued work on the development and production of increasingly sustainable products.
Those suppliers to +Halle who use sheep in production (wool) must feed the sheep and treat them with dignity and respect. The sheep must have access to proper pasture and, if they fall ill, must be treated using recognised methods to reduce suffering. +Halle does not tolerate mulesing. The slaughter of the sheep must always be carried out using the quickest, least painful and non-traumatic method as ascertained and approved by recognised veterinarians.
The suppliers to +Halle may not offer, promise, authorise or use any form of corruption, bribery, extortion or facilitation payment to improperly influence civil servants, courts, business partners or others. The supplier must also not encourage or receive any bribes. These requirements also apply to the supplier’s agents, intermediaries and advisors.
+Halle reserves the right to audit suppliers to ensure that they can verify that they live up to the requirements set by +Halle´s Code of Conduct, and that they have correct due diligence processes in place to ensure compliance from subcontractors.
If a supplier fails to meet the requirements of the +Halle Code of Conduct, and if no solutions can be agreed upon and implemented within a reasonable amount of time, +Halle may choose to halt current production, cancel corresponding contracts, suspend future contracts and/or terminate the business relationship with the non-conforming supplier.
Introduction Acquired in 2022, +Halle®’s own factory in Vest Jutland is a welcome brand addition. Tucked in between the North Sea and the Baltic, the manufacturing hub of Vinderup has hosted furniture craftsmen since 1970.
Renewable energy
These numbers are based on guarantees of origin from our energy supplier. The Supplier Code of Conduct defines the minimum requirements that our suppliers and sub-suppliers of goods and services must comply with when conducting business with +Halle®.
FSC® C163859
+Halle® is a FSC®-certified company and so are all of our suppliers.
FSC® set the standard for responsible forestry worldwide. Their diverse ecosystem of stakeholders is changing the way forests are valued and managed, which helps fight climate change, protect biodiversity, and support communities.
Ask for specific FSC®-certified products.
Local production
All +Halle® products are made according to the highest Danish environmental standards.
Commitment 03
Owning our factories and facilities on Jutland means we can push to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in favour of renewable energy. Our commitment is to reduce GHG by 70% before 2030. Today, we seek to reduce our carbon footprint by re-imagining our materials, production process and engagement with suppliers.
Introduction We cannot claim to be 100% sustainable, but we can make sustainability our long-term priority in pursuing carbon reduction, higher energy efficiency, better governance in our community and more inclusive and representative collaborations.
Commitment 04
We aim to have full transparency on out production and our products. We work together with Maalbar to document all aspect of the process and we currently have this documentation for our NEST collection. The rest of our collection is work in progress.